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This function is deprecated and will be replaced by networkflow::extract_main_component(). This function which i) creates a tidygraph graph using tbl_graph(); ii) keeps the main components of the graph, using main_components(); and iii) warns the user if the first biggest component removed is too large.


  nb_components = 1,
  threshold_alert = 0.05,
  keep_component_columns = FALSE



A tibble graph from tidygraph, a list of tibble graphs or a data frame.


By default, the function takes the main component of the graph (nb_components = 1). However it is possible to take as many components as you wish. The first component is the largest one, component 2 is the second one, etc.


If the biggest component after the last one selected (by default, nb_component = 1) gathers more than x% (by default, 5%) of the total number of nodes, the function triggers a warning to inform the user that he has removed a big component of the network.


Set to TRUE if you want to store in the tibble graph the components number and the size of the components.


The same tidygraph object or list of tidygraph objects with nodes


The function will automatically rename the first column of nodes as "Id".