Edges For Bibliographic Coupling Network Of Articles and Books Explaining the 1970s US Stagflation.
A dataset containing the edges of the bibliographic coupling network of articles and books on stagflation.
Built by using Ref_stagflation: biblionetwork::biblio_coupling(Ref_stagflation,"Citing_ItemID_Ref","ItemID_Ref")
Could be used with Nodes_coupling to create a network with tidygraph.
A data frame with 154 rows and 6 variables:
- from
Identifier of the Source document on stagflation, in character format
- to
Identifier of the Target document on stagflation, in character format
- weight
weight calculated according to the "coupling_angle" method (see biblio_coupling())
- Source
copy of the identifiers of the Source document on stagflation
- Target
copy of the identifiers of the Target document on stagflation